


Our hole-in-one fund is included in our annual membership dues.  When a member of TLQWGC has a hole in one at the Coral Mountain Golf Club regardless of time of year, and witnessed, we will celebrate her accomplishment at the next Ladies Day event.  The TLQWGC club will issue drink tickets to the members present and the Club Treasurer will pay for the drinks using the Club credit card up $300.  The HIO honoree is responsible for expenses that exceed that amount.  If the hole-in-one fund falls below $300, the reserve fund will be used to replenish the fund(not to exceed $1500 per year).


TLQWGC will recognize a hole-in-one with an award and her name will be placed on the hole-in-one plaque posted at the club.




TLQWGC HIO History 2.2023.pdf
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